mishmash dresses

absolutely unique, one-of-a-kind, sustainable dresses created using up bits and bobs of fabulous fabric and select trims which, when artfully brought together, create glorious abstract mosaics.

meanwhile, secret hand-embroidered messages and positive affirmations adorn garment interiors. 

mishmash dresses are not available for sale but are instead purported to suddenly arrive on the doorsteps of brilliant women whom darling dearie respects and admires.

sometimes, a dress sent and destined for one person, takes a journey to find its way to the individual it was truly meant to be with.

darling is never disappointed if this happens.

instead, she is pleased-as-punch that her frock is now where is belongs, being worn and loved to threads.

"outlaw inlaw" gallery

"THAT dress" gallery

"original you" gallery

"end of story" gallery